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A Philosophy of the Fist The Making of “Cross Training in the Martial Arts 2: The Anatomy of Hand Strikes” - Part 7

Posted  by pad-up  21 Jun 2011, 12:58:38

A Philosophy of the Fist The Making of “Cross Training in the Martial Arts 2: The Anatomy of Hand Strikes”

On the second day I was introduced to Louise Musgrove, a TV producer who has been brought on board as Summersdale continues with its big push to television. Lou knew of me through my father, as the production company she had worked for had booked my parents’ animal company out for six years running on a children’s TV series. She turned out to be an excellent coach for me, helping me get through all narration, as I tackled one of the most notoriously difficult areas of presenting: talking and walking at the same time! Okay, it doesn’t sound that hard, but for some reason when it comes to talking “down the bottle” to that bit of black plastic the most colourful of “live” characters can become as charismatic as a darlek! Nevertheless I learnt a huge amount in the relatively short amount of time I spent under Lou’s guidance. The day was finished with work on all the voiceovers for the various different scenes.
On the 7th May Seni 2006 hit the NEC. This was the ideal opportunity to preview the new DVD and when one considers how smoothly all the different stages had gone, British pessimism seemed to dictate that we might be heading for a Burton on that day. Such negative thoughts were quashed pretty much early on. Cross Training 2 enjoyed a very popular premier with various different members of the martial arts community watching it at the Summersdale stall and many customers snapping up copies of this special preview edition. Best of all, the whole weekend saw many of Summersdale instructors meet up again.
Tony Somers once told me that fifty-five per cent of communication is body language. The hands are one of our most expressive tools. The closed fist represents the tight coming together of the hand, a solid unification of all the unique digits, often employed to express a powerful and defining message, be it physical or political. I think it provides a pretty accurate metaphor for the intentions of “The Anatomy of Hand Strikes”. The DVD and the martial arts are the common base, individually we have our own independent goals, but united we drive forward to punch a hole through the barriers that separate martial arts students from commonsense. 

Martial Arts Weapons: Safety

Posted  by pad-up  07 Jun 2011, 08:52:34

Martial Arts Weapons: Safety

Martial Arts weapons are traditionally dangerous weapons that can harm the user greatly, that is if the martial arts weapon is not handled with care. This is why it is important that you handle each weapon used for martial arts with respect as the weapons can be dangerous. Many safety features have been built into martial arts weapons, these features will help make sure that you are not harming your self, or the person that you are currently training with when practicing martial arts.
There are many different martial arts weapons to consider and through this article, I will outline some of the different martial arts weapons that you could be using during your martial arts training, depending on which martial arts that you are currently training in. It is important that you ask your martial arts instructor before using any type of martial arts weapon. This is unless of course you are already proficient with the current martial arts weapons that you are practicing with your sparring partner.
Discipline: The reason that you do not use martial art weapons that are outside of your belt class, is because using these weapons without the appropriate training can cause damage to yourself or the person you are practicing martial arts with, this is why it is important when practicing martial arts that a qualified instructor is there to maintain a level of discipline when you are mastering your favourite martial arts weapon. Practicing with a weapon is essential to mastering this weapon inside of your martial art training, but if you are not practicing safely then it is not worth practicing at all. With practicing marital arts comes discipline, and you need to have the discipline of to become skilled with a martial arts weapon, that’s why it is recommended to be trained with a proficient martial arts instructor.
Good Environment And Body Amour: When practicing the ancient study of martial arts you will need an environment that is safe for you to train on, if you would like to fall and not be hurt will training it is recommended that you use safety mats for your martial art training as this will ensure that no one is hurt while martial arts is being practiced. While practicing with a martial arts jigsaw mat will make sure that you will be safe when fighting, you also want to make sure that you have all the proper body amour’s to use while you are training in martial arts. The items that you should have are some sort of chest protection, this kind of guard will ensure that no hard hit in practicing martial arts will hurt your chest and is very important for advanced martial artists if you would like to find this piece of martial arts equipment you can do so here. Protecting your chest is not the only thing that the martial artist has to worry about, the martial artist should also be finding a piece of equipment to protect their teeth, the perfect body amour to do this with is a mouth guard, you can purchase the mouth guard for safety when you are using martial arts right here. With all of these protective gears the next time you practice martial arts you should be perfectly safe to do so, without fear of having any injuries when training in martial arts.
Dead blades : Often if you want to practice with one of the more deadly sharp type of martial art weapons, that martial arts has to offer to the experienced martial artist, then when you first are training with a sharp martial arts weapon you will want to use weapons that have dead blades. These dead blades, will make sure that no one is struck with a sharp martial arts weapon, because a duel martial arts weapon will not actually cause physical harm to the person that you are sparring with. Dead blades can still damage you, and your sparring partner this is why it is recommended that you practice safety when using any type of sharp martial arts weapon. Making sure that your martial art weapon is dead is important, as a real swipe with a sharp and martial art weapon can cause death or dismemberment.
Padded Weapons: Rice Fail is a weapon that is used inside the study of martial arts, although people who have not taken training with this martial art weapon should not use it unless provide with a proficient instructor with this martial arts weapon. The safety feature that has been added to this martial arts weapon, is the padded safety feature; this feature allows this martial arts weapon to be used safely, making sure to use martial arts weapons with safety in mind will ensure that no bodily harm comes to you, when practicing with the Rice Fail martial arts weapon.

Disclaimer: This article was written for by one of our customers and does not necessarily reflect the views of have not endorsed any of the advice given in this article.

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