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MMA Controversies

Posted  by pad-up  01 May 2013, 11:52:00

Controversies in MMA they Wish Had Not Occurred

Like any other sport, MMA has its share of controversies. The sport that is often criticized for the violence involved in it has seen several controversial decisions and happenings, some of which are highlighted below. Since it is difficult to rank controversies per se, the below given list is selected at random.

Jon "Bones" Jones Talks about His Hatred for Toy UFC Belts

This moment may not be considered controversial by some, but it deserves to be on the list for the kind of roar it received from fans. Jon Jones stated in an interview that he hates the plastic UFC belts sold in stores because people are able to get those without having to put it any effort.
This simple statement ended up damaging Jones’s image as fans started looking at him more as a loudmouth than a friendly fighter.

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Dana White Uses Anti Gay Language

UFC’s president Dana White received an angry reaction from the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) when he used foul language against Loretta Hunt, an MMA journalist, and an unknown source. This was as a response to the criticism UFC received for the treatment of managers.
Dana White, taking it a step further, ended up including anti-gay slur ticking off many people the wrong way. The GLAAD thought that the president of a chief sports organization should not indulge in such acts. This not only brought bad publicity to UFC but also tarnished Dana White’s image who had to apologize.

Kimbo Slice-Seth Petruzelli Post Fight Fiasco

The original card for EliteXC was Kimbo Slice vs. Ken Shamrock, but the later had to back out as he got injured on the day of the fight and was replaced by Seth Petruzelli. This put Seth, a lightweight, against Kimbo Slice, a heavyweight and resulted in one of the most controversial fights in history.
Slice got knocked out by an off-balance jab by Petruzelli at the 14 seconds mark. This resulted in EliteXC not only losing one of its most marketable stars but the aftermath resulted in more damage.
Petruzelli confessed in a radio interview that the promoters persuaded him to just stand with Slice instead of taking him down. His comments attracted the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation and brought bad name to the organization and Kimbo Slice, even though no evidence of wrongdoing was found.

Chael Sonnen’s Trial

Chael Sonnen vs. Anderson Silva was considered a predictable match until Sonnen ended up dominating Silva for the better part of the match. He, however, ended up losing thanks to a triangle choke but received a huge round of applause for his performance.
Nonetheless, the main news was not his performance but what followed. Eventually it was announced that Sonnen's testosterone levels were above the normal level as per his post-fight test. This resulted in Sonnen’s suspension. He appealed against it and was given a slap on the wrist.
Things got worse when the man got in more controversy (money laundering, etc.) later on losing a major portion of his fans.
Did we miss anything? Feel free to share what you think is the most controversial moment in MMA.

Payment Options Update

Posted  by pad-up  29 Apr 2013, 10:43:37

Dear Customer

During the 2013 AGM the board of directors reviewed our payment methods. The key highlights of our discussion were as follows;

1. Over the past year we have seen a rise in fraudulent attempts through some of our payment methods.
2. Where as Paypal verifies the customer and their address other merchant banks may not.
3. Paypal now accepts payment via credit card without a Paypal account.
4. In the rare occasion where a dispute is raised Paypal best serves our customers offering a 1st rate dispute management portal.
5. Paypal offers improved cash flow returning funds immediately to the merchant.
6. Paypal has lower transaction costs which inturn enables us to pass on lower prices to our customers.
7. Paypal does not charge for refunds, again we can pass on the savings to our customers.
8. Eliminating alternative payment methods simplifies our accounts process.
9. Eliminating alternative payment methods reduces bank fees.

For this reason we have taken the bold step to streamline our payment methods and focus soley on Paypal.

In addition as we service Ireland as well as the UK we have enabled EURO currency display for our customers outside of the UK. We hope you will find this service of benefit.

As a valued customer we appreciate your input and will of course reverse our decision if it does not suit your requirements. Please feel free to comment on the blog discussion board.

Jeff Edward
CEO Webmettle ltd

Possible Outcomes of a UFC Match

Posted  by pad-up  26 Apr 2013, 02:12:26

Possible Outcomes of a UFC Match

When you look at it there are only three outcomes of a UFC match: win, lose or draw. However, how one reaches such a decision deserves a lot of attention. There are many ways in which a UFC match may end.

All the possible match outcomes are discussed below in detail.


A great number of UFC matches end in submissions as most UFC fighters are trained in submission and can lock hazardous moves like Kimura lock, ninja choke and calf slicer. A submission victory is said to occur when the fighter on whom the lock is applied verbally gives up or taps the opponent or the mat to show submission.
A referee stoppage may also occur if the fighter locked in a submission shows sign of excruciating pain (yelling etc.). Additionally, a technical submission may also occur when a fighter loses conscious or runs the risk of getting seriously injured due to the submission.


There are many knockout pros in UFC. This is said to occur when a fighter goes unconscious as a result of a legal strike that may be a punch, a kick or anything else that knocks the daylights out of a fighter.

Technical Knockout

As mentioned above, a technical knockout occurs when a fight is stopped by an external force and not by the direct act of a fighter. There are three scenarios of technical knockouts. These include:
  • Referee Stoppage: The referee decides to end the match when one of the fighters is not in a position to fight or defend.
  • Doctor Stoppage: When a ringside doctor decides to stop a match if it becomes unsafe for a fighter to continue fighting. This may be due to injuries or excessive bleeding.
  • Corner Stoppage: This occurs when a fighter's corner man signals a loss for their own fighter.

Judges' Decision

Matches in UFC are scored by judges who understand the business. In certain cases a match has to be decided via judges’ decision, especially when they cannot reach a winner even after walking the distance. Scenarios in this case include:
  • Unanimous Decision: All three judges score in favor of the same fighter.
  • Majority Decision: Two of the three judges score in favor of the same fighter and the third judge scores for a draw.
  • Split decision: Two judges score in favor of the same fighter while the third scores for the opponent.
  • Technical Decision: Occurs when a match ends due to the use of an illegal move or element, a decision is made based on the finished and unfinished rounds, if there are sufficient number of rounds.
  • Unanimous Draw: All judges score for a draw.
  • Majority Draw: Two judges score for a draw while the third scores a win.
  • Split Draw: All three judges have different scores. (1 for fighter A, 1 for fighter B and 1 for a draw)
  • Technical Draw: The fight ends due to a technical decision with the help of judges’ score that ends at a draw.


This occurs when a fighter intentionally uses an illegal move. Disqualification may be called for by the referee or the opponent.


This occurs when a fighter gives up due to any reason other than an injury.

No Contest

A no contest occurs when:
  • One or both fighters are unable to continue due to the use of an illegal move or element, and there isn’t enough number of finished rounds to make a logical decision.
  • The original result of a fight bout is changed because of illegal or unsatisfactory circumstances. For ex: a fighter, after a fight, testing positive for illegal drugs.
Note: it is not always necessary that the fighters' total points be equal in the case of a draw. However, in a split or unanimous draw, each fighter scores an equivalent number of win judgments from the judges (1 or 0, respectively).

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MMA: The Effects On Health

Posted  by pad-up  19 Apr 2013, 11:04:42

MMA: The Effects On Health

The sport of mixed martial arts (MMA) has exploded in popularity over the past several years. An increase in MMA television coverage has made the public more aware of this sport. MMA is relatively new, so there are few studies identifying the health effects of the sport. The studies that do exist identify both short-term benefits, and long-term consequences of participating in MMA.

Individuals who train for mixed martial arts experience a high intensity, total body cardiovascular workout. MMA trainers and others that have been around the sport have documented the health benefits of improved fitness. Those who participate MMA in general have lower rates of obesity and related chronic illnesses. The US government recommends a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity a day, but a recent British study found that just seven minutes of high intensity exercise daily provides the same benefits. MMA participants train in short and high intensity bursts, similar to what the British study recommends.

Injuries are rare in a MMA training environment; instructors often stress safety when sparring with a partner. The vast majority of injuries occur during an actual bout. Traditional fighting sports such as boxing and kickboxing only allow blows to the head and the torso; in MMA, participants may target the entire body. Elbow and knee blows occur in MMA, which can cause more damage than similar blows from the hands and feet.


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In MMA, there is great emphasis on submitting an opponent. Submission techniques include chokes and joint locks, both of which can have catastrophic health effects. A choke submission applied for too long can deprive the brain of blood, causing permanent brain damage. A joint lock submission applied for too long can cause permanent muscle tearing or ligament damage. An attentive referee tries to prevent a fighter from applying a submission for too long, but even the best referee can make mistakes.

While there are few long-term studies tracking the effects of MMA fighting, there are many long-term studies on the effects of boxing, which shares many similarities. A recent Swedish study found that up to twenty percent of professional boxers develop a chronic brain injury. Long round times and repeated blows to the head contribute to this issue. In the sport of mixed martial arts, fighters do not exclusively target their opponent’s head. By mixing in a variety of leg kicks and body blows, a MMA fighter may not receive the sheer volume of blows to head that a boxer receives. Despite taking fewer blows, a MMA fighter takes harder blows. Boxers wear large padded gloves while mixed martial artists wear thin, lightly padded gloves. These gloves deliver much more force than a boxing glove. It is currently unknown if fewer, harder blows to the head will have the same effect that has been documented in the sport of boxing.

Occasionally, the injuries sustained by a fighter are so significant that they pass away because of them. An estimated 700 or more boxers have died from boxing injuries in the United States alone. By comparison, only two MMA fighters have died during sanctioned bouts. In boxing, if a fighter falls to the ground after another fighter hits them, the referee gives them ten seconds to stand up and continue fighting. In MMA, a knocked down fighter who appears dazed, will result in the end of the match to prevent further injuries from occurring.

Health and Fighting experts will study the link between mixed martial arts and long-term health consequences for many years to come. The benefits to overall fitness are clear, and many of the most severe effects are avoidable by merely training for the sport and not actually fighting. Whether the risk is worth the potential reward is entirely up to the participant.

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