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FreeStanding Punch bags

Posted   by   pad-up 20 Nov 2012, 11:16:03

See our Youtube Channel for videos like how to use a freestanding punch bag

Free standing punch bags can be purchased here ->

Punch Bag Exercises

Posted   by   pad-up 13 Nov 2012, 02:52:16

Martial Art Punch Bags - Punching Bag Exercises

In addition to a self defense tactic, martial arts have now become a very popular way to stay fit. People who want to tone up their body and have a confident persona often take up martial arts. Many have found that even working out with martial arts equipment is beneficial for their overall health. Martial art punch bags are among such equipments, which you can get at reputed martial arts shop like Pad-Up. Like other parts of the world, people of the UK and Ireland are also embracing this form of workout with a lot of enthusiasm these days.
Many fitness experts are in favor of using punching bags to make their body stronger and more agile. They never get tired of citing the various benefits that punching bag exercises give. One of the plus points of working with martial art punching bags or any other punching bags is that it gives a good cardiovascular exercise to the person.
For good cardiovascular workout, you should throw straight jabs at the bag for at least one minute. Make sure that your punches are fast enough in order to reap the utmost benefit of the workout. Repeat the jabs next while moving all around the bag. In between these two kinds of exercises with the punch bags, take some rest. It is good if you can rest for at least a minute. While using a punching bag, you should consider it as your opponent. You should punch it as hard as you could and try to dodge the bags when they are in reverse motion.
You should not hold anything back while doing workouts with these bags. Go after the bag with all the combinations of punches that you know. Try jabs, upper cuts and cross jabs. In martial arts, you also have the leeway of using kicks. Apart from punches and kicks, you may even try rolling down as a defensive reaction.
Make sure that the punching bag ishung from a reasonable height. This will help you to hit your punches with more effectiveness. Make sure that the bag is tied well. You can also ask someone to hold the bag for you while you punch during the initial stages of your workout. But this definitely should not substitute working out with the bag alone.
There are various kinds of punch bags available in the market. Some of them are heavier than the others. You can also do strength training with the help of this kind of martial arts training equipment. You should hit jabs and crosses while jumping around the bag. These practice sessions should be at least three minutes long.
Fitness enthusiasts can also mix their training routines and use both cardiovascular and strength training methods. Such sessions will give their bodies enough energy and strength. Do exercises with the help of these punching bags and soon you will see the benefit.
Punching bags really make your workout a complete one. You can visit any martial arts shop like that of Pad-Up, and browse through the wide range of punch bags that are on offer. So, whether you are looking for Wavemaster Punch Bags, Inflatable punch bags, Free Standing Punch Targets or something else, you will find them all under one roof at Pad-Up. You can even shop for bag gloves and wraps, Punch Bag Frames and Brackets, Wall Pads etc, all of which are made of high quality materials and yet don’t cost you a fortune.
If you are looking for punch bags to train your kids, Pad-Up can help with its extensive range of martial arts training equipment suitable for kids. You may even buy martial arts shoes Jigsaw Mats to go along with the punching bags, making you feel all set for your training sessions.
Remember - before any investments that you intend to make, try to have a clear understanding of your needs. Also, have an overview of your budgetary constraints and then shop for the products accordingly.

Multiple Attacker Defence

Posted   by   pad-up 05 Nov 2012, 11:26:16

When you are trying to defend yourself against multiple attacks, you are going to need a sharp mind, quick reflexes, and some good moves. If you’re going to really spar with someone or even two people you always want to keep the attackers in front of you. Don’t let them get to either side because as far as a fighter is concerned that is your soft underbelly especially if there are two of them. 
When you’re sparring and really taking the beating to them, you need to do a mental check of where your opponent is, where they are headed, and what type of defense or attack you’re going to do. For instance, if they are throwing a round house, it is a quick and powerful move so you have to be ready to put your arm up and be ready for that. In the heat of sparring it is very easy to get tired and lower you arms and that is the time when you are going to get hit, and hit hard.
Fighting two people at once is a daunting task because your attention is divided between two attackers. You would want to immobilize one of the attackers as fast as possible. You can do this by quickly concentrating on only one of them while taking a mental note exactly where the other attacker is. You could also use one attacker’s body as a shield against the second attacker’s advance. That is exactly what you have to do, you have to get your opponents to get in each others way because fighting two people at once is no joke and you have to take into account is that
The content for this is from my own experience as a black belt candidate in 1998 in a Tae Kwon Do final black belt test and one of the final tests was to fight two people at once and it is very memorable. I had a very skinny, fast, and nimble back belt that was a mentor fight alongside a big weightlifter that was massive and slow but very powerful in his swings and kicks. They were experienced fighters and knew how to work in unison to try and break my concentration on fighting both of them. The skinny one kept trying to get around me to my backside so he could assault me from there and the bulky fighter was just hammering me from my frontal view because he was the one trying to distract me while his partner tried to sneak around. The big attacker did a regular side kick while I was in the act of punching him and his foot slid off of my hand pads and caught my thumb and bent it backward a little. It was pulled back and a ligament was stretched just a little bit more than it should have been. It was sore the next day.
The only way that I could truly compete with these guys was to back away in kind of a figure eight while they followed me and kept putting on the assault. The fight was pretty intense and I have to admit that it was just one of those times you do your best to just get through it. I have to admit that after two and half minutes of the intense sparring I had defended myself against these two adversaries and had proven that I had what it took to become a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
So if you ever find yourself in a fight with two people against you at the same time or even if it is a friendly sparring match hopefully you will take into account that it is something that takes a lot of concentration and physical prowess to really come out on top and defeat your opponent.
MMA Equipment

Martial Arts Sparring Equipment

Posted   by   pad-up 05 Nov 2012, 11:24:16

How to choose the best Martial Arts Equipment

With martial arts gaining popularity, need for boxing and martial arts equipments like jigsaw matspunch bagssparring gears, martial arts weapons and dresses are high in the priority list. With this increased need comes the increasing number of companies that offer such equipment and training supplies to the people at large. The sheer number of companies providing such equipment is enough to confuse even the most learned of buyers, notwithstanding the uninitiated. If you are a beginner and looking to really get a grip of this wonderful fitness regime, it is important to know what to look for in martial arts equipments.
Sparring gear. Combat kit
Firstly, it is important to decide on the martial arts form you want to master - whether it is Karate, Judo, Tae Kown do or Jujutsu. This is essential because each martial arts form has its own set of martial arts equipments, which is absolutely necessary to master the same. Narrowing down the exact nature of equipment that you will need and finding one of the reliable companies that will provide you the requisite equipment may often seem like a tough job to accomplish. So if you are in a dilemma, don’t look beyond Pad-Up. Pad-Up is a company that believes in providing the best martial arts equipment to those who value quality. We offer you the best that money can fetch - at a very reasonable cost, thereby making it an irresistible choice for you as well as all our other customers.

It is important to analyze your level of comfort with your chosen martial arts form. For example, if you are a beginner in any particular martial arts form, you would require only the basic equipment. However, if you are a professional or in the advanced stages of the chosen form, then you should have advanced level martial arts equipments to help you train and master the chosen martial arts form. We at Pad-up not only provide excellent material and supplies but also offer advice to help you choose the best equipment that fits your requirements. With the advice given by our team of experts, you not only get the best value for money but even save precious time while deciding on which martial arts equipments to buy.
Taewondo sparring gear. TKD sparring pads

Price of the martial arts equipments often plays a huge role in their selection. While it is important to maintain quality of the goods purchased, it is equally vital to ensure that you do not pay more and get less. In short, it is important to choose a company that gives you total value for money. At Pad-Up, we manufacture our own equipment locally in the UK and therefore, it is possible for us to sell at a very low cost as compared to other companies. Moreover, as we directly sell from our manufacturing units to places all across the UK and Ireland, we do not need to spend anything extra for storing these martial arts equipments. Therefore, there is no question of adding cost of overheads, which again makes it possible for us to give high quality materials at pretty affordable price tags

Lastly, it is important that your chosen company provides basic guarantee and warranty on the martial arts equipments that you wish to purchase. At Pad-Up, you get to enjoy guarantees and warranties on your purchase, as we offer the same to ensure that our customers continue using the martial arts equipments without any problem. No wonder that once you buy from Pad-Up, you are likely to become a customer for life as we value the trust our customers put in us and cherish the bonds of relationships. So, experience it all for yourself by buying high quality martial arts equipment from Pad-Up.