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Possible Outcomes of a UFC Match

Posted  by pad-up  26 Apr 2013, 02:12:26

Possible Outcomes of a UFC Match

When you look at it there are only three outcomes of a UFC match: win, lose or draw. However, how one reaches such a decision deserves a lot of attention. There are many ways in which a UFC match may end.

All the possible match outcomes are discussed below in detail.


A great number of UFC matches end in submissions as most UFC fighters are trained in submission and can lock hazardous moves like Kimura lock, ninja choke and calf slicer. A submission victory is said to occur when the fighter on whom the lock is applied verbally gives up or taps the opponent or the mat to show submission.
A referee stoppage may also occur if the fighter locked in a submission shows sign of excruciating pain (yelling etc.). Additionally, a technical submission may also occur when a fighter loses conscious or runs the risk of getting seriously injured due to the submission.


There are many knockout pros in UFC. This is said to occur when a fighter goes unconscious as a result of a legal strike that may be a punch, a kick or anything else that knocks the daylights out of a fighter.

Technical Knockout

As mentioned above, a technical knockout occurs when a fight is stopped by an external force and not by the direct act of a fighter. There are three scenarios of technical knockouts. These include:
  • Referee Stoppage: The referee decides to end the match when one of the fighters is not in a position to fight or defend.
  • Doctor Stoppage: When a ringside doctor decides to stop a match if it becomes unsafe for a fighter to continue fighting. This may be due to injuries or excessive bleeding.
  • Corner Stoppage: This occurs when a fighter's corner man signals a loss for their own fighter.

Judges' Decision

Matches in UFC are scored by judges who understand the business. In certain cases a match has to be decided via judges’ decision, especially when they cannot reach a winner even after walking the distance. Scenarios in this case include:
  • Unanimous Decision: All three judges score in favor of the same fighter.
  • Majority Decision: Two of the three judges score in favor of the same fighter and the third judge scores for a draw.
  • Split decision: Two judges score in favor of the same fighter while the third scores for the opponent.
  • Technical Decision: Occurs when a match ends due to the use of an illegal move or element, a decision is made based on the finished and unfinished rounds, if there are sufficient number of rounds.
  • Unanimous Draw: All judges score for a draw.
  • Majority Draw: Two judges score for a draw while the third scores a win.
  • Split Draw: All three judges have different scores. (1 for fighter A, 1 for fighter B and 1 for a draw)
  • Technical Draw: The fight ends due to a technical decision with the help of judges’ score that ends at a draw.


This occurs when a fighter intentionally uses an illegal move. Disqualification may be called for by the referee or the opponent.


This occurs when a fighter gives up due to any reason other than an injury.

No Contest

A no contest occurs when:
  • One or both fighters are unable to continue due to the use of an illegal move or element, and there isn’t enough number of finished rounds to make a logical decision.
  • The original result of a fight bout is changed because of illegal or unsatisfactory circumstances. For ex: a fighter, after a fight, testing positive for illegal drugs.
Note: it is not always necessary that the fighters' total points be equal in the case of a draw. However, in a split or unanimous draw, each fighter scores an equivalent number of win judgments from the judges (1 or 0, respectively).

Be sure to make sure you have the correct MMA UFC gear before you train or fight, MMA UFC can be hazardous... be safe!

What Is Aikido – The Myths and The Truth

Posted  by pad-up  15 Apr 2013, 10:16:40

What Is Aikido – The Myths and The Truth

Aikido is one of the most misunderstood of all martial arts. There are many ridiculous myths about the art, and even in the martial arts community there is a degree of secrecy and mystery about aikido.

Although its roots can be traced back to feudal Japan, aikido is a relatively new martial art. It was developed my Morihei Ueshiba, a highly skilled and experienced martial artist. Aikido involves throws and joint locks rather than punches, strikes and kicks associated with martial arts such as Karate. The real secrets of aikido are the ability to control an attacker’s balance and energy, and to use it against them. For a highly skilled practitioner, size and strength doesn’t matter. Age and physical fitness aren’t barriers to success in aikido.

There are many different styles of aikido and the art has moved in new directions in recent years. There are hard, practical styles, and there are styles focussing on the more spiritual aspects of the art. Morihei Ueshiba was a very spiritual man, and he did not set out purely to develop a system of combat to injure or compete with opponents. At its simplest, aikido could be said to be about avoiding an attack in the first place. It is a deadly martial art when techniques are applied at full speed and intention.

Aikido is regarded as one of the most complex and technical of all the martial arts. Because of that, it can take between five and eight years to achieve a black belt. Many new students give up in the early months of beginning their aikido studies. These early stages involve learning the basic stances and body movements, and many people become frustrated with this. If the student persists, they soon appreciate that they have been learning the foundations of aikido and that all techniques rely on having mastered these.

A typical aikido class begins with warm-up exercises and stretches. Students then practise the basic body movements and move on to ‘breakfalls.’ Breakfalls are used to recover from throws without injury, and are an essential skill for all aikido students. As the class moves on, the Sensei will call a senior student on to the mat and demonstrate a technique with him. Each student than finds a partner and practises the technique demonstrated.

Aikido students are often asked if their art is effective as a form of self defense. With foundations on the battlefields of Japan, aikido has roots from a genuine combat system. Due to its technical nature, it can take several years for an aikido student to achieve a level where his techniques have a practical application. Most styles of aikido do not have competitions or tournaments, and many other martial artists take this as an indication that the art does not stand up when compared to others.

Aikido is something which must be studied and practised co-operatively. It’s not possible to learn such a complex martial art by reading books or watching DVDs. The techniques and methods of aikido must be felt and experienced by the student to fully understand them.

Why Pad-Up Martial Art Supplies?

Posted  by pad-up  28 Feb 2011, 02:35:55

Why Pad-up for Martial Arts Supplies and Training Equipment

Martial Art ShopIf you are interested in martial arts training and practice, then it is important that you have the appropriate martial arts equipment that would help you learn and master the same. Given the many forms of martial arts, it is obvious that there are a variety of items that are absolutely necessary for mastering each form. Karate, Tae Kown do, Jujutsu or Judo, each has its own uniform, which unfortunately is not available at the school where you are learning to master the martial arts form. Moreover, given the wide choice of brands and information that you have on such supplies and training equipment, choosing the right one can be quite a daunting task for the uninitiated, which is why you should search for a company that is reliable and sells everything you need under one roof.

While searching for martial arts equipments, jigsaw mats, punch bags, sparring gears etc, choosing the right one is as important as finding it easily, especially if you are an online shopper. Most people in the UK prefer to shop for their marital arts supplies and training equipment online. No wonder that the internet is flooded with a deluge of such companies. However, the perfect company is the one where you can find what you require very easily and with minimum effort. Pad-up is one such company that manufactures and sells excellent quality boxing and martial arts supplies and training equipment in the UK and Ireland. The best part of ordering from Pad-up is that their web page can be navigated easily, thereby making your search a hassle-free affair. Moreover, they have categorised each martial arts separately, which makes it really simple to search for the equipments and other supplies, even for a first time visitor.

Secondly, when you are starting martial arts training or want to master it, it is important to have someone who is experienced to guide you through the entire process. Similarly, with martial arts equipments, it is important that you choose a company that not only sells the best and high quality products but also helps you make the right choice by giving you information about the various martial arts forms and its requirements. Pad-Up is a company that truly believes in providing the best to its customers, in terms of both quality as well as information. Therefore, with Pad-up, you will never feel alone in your quest to master any martial arts form. Apart from the various equipments and supplies, Pad-up also has training manuals and DVDs on the various martial arts forms, which makes it easy for you to practice the art on your own.

Lastly, price of the training equipment is a very important factor that will help you decide the company you want to buy your equipment from. It is essential that the product you get is worth the money you have paid for. This can be achieved by choosing a company that is reasonable in its price and ensures good quality. Pad-up offers its customers high quality martial arts equipments at a very low price. The low price of the equipment is not due to any compromise in quality but can be attributed to the fact that all its equipments are manufactured in the UK itself, which are then shipped directly to you.

So, it is safe to say that selecting Pad-up as your chosen company for martial arts supplies and training equipment will only help increase your love and interest in the various martial arts forms.

2 Comment(s)

How to choose the best Martial Arts Equipment

Posted  by pad-up  28 Feb 2011, 02:31:40

How to choose the best Martial Arts Equipment

With martial arts gaining popularity, need for boxing and martial arts equipments like jigsaw mats, punch bags, sparring gears, martial arts weapons and dresses are high in the priority list. With this increased need comes the increasing number of companies that offer such equipment and training supplies to the people at large. The sheer number of companies providing such equipment is enough to confuse even the most learned of buyers, notwithstanding the uninitiated. If you are a beginner and looking to really get a grip of this wonderful fitness regime, it is important to know what to look for in martial arts equipments.
Sparring gear. Combat kit
Firstly, it is important to decide on the martial arts form you want to master - whether it is Karate, Judo, Tae Kown do or Jujutsu. This is essential because each martial arts form has its own set of martial arts equipments, which is absolutely necessary to master the same. Narrowing down the exact nature of equipment that you will need and finding one of the reliable companies that will provide you the requisite equipment may often seem like a tough job to accomplish. So if you are in a dilemma, don’t look beyond Pad-Up. Pad-Up is a company that believes in providing the best martial arts equipment to those who value quality. We offer you the best that money can fetch - at a very reasonable cost, thereby making it an irresistible choice for you as well as all our other customers.

It is important to analyze your level of comfort with your chosen martial arts form. For example, if you are a beginner in any particular martial arts form, you would require only the basic equipment. However, if you are a professional or in the advanced stages of the chosen form, then you should have advanced level martial arts equipments to help you train and master the chosen martial arts form. We at Pad-up not only provide excellent material and supplies but also offer advice to help you choose the best equipment that fits your requirements. With the advice given by our team of experts, you not only get the best value for money but even save precious time while deciding on which martial arts equipments to buy.
Taewondo sparring gear. TKD sparring pads

Price of the martial arts equipments often plays a huge role in their selection. While it is important to maintain quality of the goods purchased, it is equally vital to ensure that you do not pay more and get less. In short, it is important to choose a company that gives you total value for money. At Pad-Up, we manufacture our own equipment locally in the UK and therefore, it is possible for us to sell at a very low cost as compared to other companies. Moreover, as we directly sell from our manufacturing units to places all across the UK and Ireland, we do not need to spend anything extra for storing these martial arts equipments. Therefore, there is no question of adding cost of overheads, which again makes it possible for us to give high quality materials at pretty affordable price tags

Lastly, it is important that your chosen company provides basic guarantee and warranty on the martial arts equipments that you wish to purchase. At Pad-Up, you get to enjoy guarantees and warranties on your purchase, as we offer the same to ensure that our customers continue using the martial arts equipments without any problem. No wonder that once you buy from Pad-Up, you are likely to become a customer for life as we value the trust our customers put in us and cherish the bonds of relationships. So, experience it all for yourself by buying high quality martial arts equipment from Pad-Up.