Martial Arts Shop
Martial Arts Shop - Background
Pad-up Martial Arts Shop, established in August 2003 with the primary objective of supplying the UK and Irish market with low cost quality boxing and martial arts equipment. Pad-up Martial Arts Shop function is to process sales orders and source quality martial arts supplies from reputable manufacturers and distrubutors whilst keeping prices low.
Pad-up Martial Arts Shop strive to protect our customers data offering both secure and private transactions.
Pad-up is and a proud member of
Martial arts Shop - low prices
Pad-Up's Martial arts shop equipment manufacturers are mainly based in the UK. We endevour to keep our martial arts supplies in the UK and Ireland to a minimum and supply our martial arts equipment directly from the manufacturers office. This is more cost effective than shipping stock in bulk to Dublin/UK, paying storage costs and then incurring additional shipping charges when the order is dropped. In essesence the martial arts shop combine the purchasing power from our customer base and consolidate order processing and advertising to obtain great prices!
Martial Arts Shop - Opening hours.
Martial arts shop is an online martial arts supplier that processes orders online 24 hours per day 365 days per year. In addition Pad-Up martial arts suppliers also offer a telephone order desk operating 24 hours 365 days per year catering for customers who feel more confortable when ordering by phone.
The Pad-Up Martial Arts Shop Team.
Martial Arts Suppliers since 2003